An extraordinary new Hate Crime Guidance Manual has been handed to officers telling them to arrest anyone suspected of committing a hate crime against those engaged in ‘dogging’.
Although it notes that outdoor sex can have an ‘impact on the quality of life of people using these locations for leisure pursuits’ - for example dog walkers and tourists - the rights of those cottaging, cruising or dogging must be taken into account by officers.
It states that even though ‘outdoor sex is unlawful’, people who take part in it still have rights which protect them from becoming victims of hate crime.
The manual, issued by the Association of Chief Police Officers of Scotland last week, states that people who take part in open-air sex are ‘more susceptible to hate crime’ and can suffer ‘post traumatic stress and depression’ if they are abused, Police Review revealed.
Read it all in the Daily Mail.
Hat Tip Nicky Goomba
This could easily be the plot line for a modern day Ealing comedy. But, alas, this is no farce. This is a societal tragedy.
Is truly amazing. Its as if one can stand outside and apart from the passing scene and watch the modern world slip into a type of terminal societal dadaism.
This reminds me of zombietime's coverage of San Francisco being.. well...San Francisco.
I don't *hate* anybody, let alone people because they were/are/have-become/chosen-to-be gay. But I do despise the culture they have created which is so at odds with our traditional culture. While our traditional culture has been evolving in time, it shouldn't be exposed to shocks like the inclusion of gay culture into the mainstream.
'gay culture' should never become 'our culture', as anybody who's spent much time in SF or Sydney knows it's wholly at odds with our mainstream values (though they may differ on whether or not to integrate).
Those who would paper over this immense divide are really hurting everybody in the process.
This isn't 'the new racism'.
A lot of Paladino's statements make a lot of sense to me in this context. I wouldn't discriminate against someone for being gay, but I don't want gay people pushing our culture into the depth of debauchery.
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