Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama Events Open with Prayers to God the Father

Us News and World Report has an interesting article on A New Tradition for Obama's Presidential Events: Opening With a Prayer. I listened to the recording of the prayers and was surprised that in two of three cases provided, the prayers specifically acknowledged God as Father.

Ryan Culp, a high school wellness teacher and evangelical Christian, began his prayer to open President Obama's February 9 appearance in Elkhart, Indiana with these words:
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you this day thanking you for who you are, a God who cares about each of our needs our desires and our fears, ...

James Bing, a Baptist minister, began his prayer to open President Obama's February 10 appearance in Fort Myers, Fla with these words:
Our God and Heavenly Father, as we welcome our President, Governor, and various other dignitaries to this city and region,

It sounds as thought Rev. Bing is going to end the prayer with the name of Jesus,
This we ask in the only name that really matters,

but the recording ends on the word "matters" and we don't hear what the only name that really matters is.

Hat Tip Mollie Z at Get Religion

1 comment:

now said...

Have never liked God the father language.